It's funny that so many really think that Twitter only started this year. It was actually founded back in 2006 and most professional internet marketers, search enthusiasts and regular bloggers were playing with it from the start.
Business associates and clients know that I have suggested using Twitter for business starting back in 2007 (I like to play and test things before I recommend it to anyone). And, I still get the question "Is Twitter just a Fad?"
My best answer to that is emphatically "NO"! If we take the hypothetical and suggest that Twitter is, in fact, going to go away, I am willing to bet you big money (cash only, please) that there will be something almost exactly like it that would take its place. Think about it...Twitter is currently one of the best forms of online real-time information available right now. We have all seen the impact of this online form of information, good, bad or ugly and, I believe, we will continue to look for it in some form or another, through means of Twitter or other. If Twitter were to suddenly go away, something else would follow suit immediately and without question.
What that means to the online industry is that we all need to know how this sort of information works, how we can make it better, how we can control it, and, basically, how we continue to use it. This real-time form of communication, made celebrity-status by Twitter, is a fundamental way in which we now communicate online.
Twitter, Twitter applications, the Twitter brand ... who knows what will happen with this independent company, maybe Google or Microsoft will be looking to talk to them (, hmmm?! - But, the way we have learned to interact online in this quick, easy, real-time fashion will never go away. It may change slightly and hopefully it will only get better. My job as an Internet Marketing professional will only be enhanced by this. Allowing me yet another avenue to help businesses and clients learn to communicate online in effective, engaging and appropriate ways. It gives me, and everyone online, additional ways to rank, market products or services, branding options... and make money that pays my bills!
We have gotten used to getting our information "now", updated regularly and always current. I don't see the Twitter bird flying off anytime soon - colors or names may change but the function will not. We should look to continually learn more about real-time functions and tools AND keep on the understanding that this type of real-time information is as an added benefit to business, not just a passing fad!
Here's a great video of stats and other info pertaining to various social channels (it supports my thoughts [wink]) from on the Social Media Revolution:
So, bottom line...go get started, get used to using and incorporating some of the real-time tools we now have access to. Twitter, for now, is a really cool one to check out.
About the Author:
Lydia is head Chief Technical Officer and founder of Search Visible Websites. Her Internet background spans more years than she wants to admit to! She has watched the public access of the Internet grow and develop and learned the art and science of white-hat SEO from the ground up.
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